
PostScript programs

Most people probably associate PostScript with a feature sometimes used on printers. However, PostScript is more than simply a way of printing documents, and in fact constitutes a complete programming language, of course with focus on graphical description but also capable of performing computing tasks as well.

In this section you will find some of my programs which either are written directly in PostScript (using a regular text editor) or generate PostScript code for printing.

Solving systems of ordinary differential equations directly in the PostScript programming language

The program illustrates the solving of systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) directly in the PostScript programming language, here specifically illustrated for the 3D trajectory of the Lorenz attractor. The instructions defined in the supplied routines are typically interpreted by either a PostScript viewer (such as GhostView with GhostScript as the interpreting engine) or the PostScript interpretor of your printer (in which case no computation is performed by your local computer, putting the whole task into the hands of your printer).

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Extraction of bounding box coordinates of Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) images

A program for the extraction of bounding box coordinates of Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) images. This is a home-made successor of the epsbb program which in many older UNIX systems was included in the standard distribution, but evidently not in more recent variants such as Free BSD and Mac OS X.

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Recursive PostScript programming for generation of fractal graphics

The PostScript program illustrates how to write compact recursive code for the display of graphics, in this case the Koch »snowflake» fractal, originally published in 1904 by the Swedish mathematician Helge von Koch (1870-1924). The program employs plain tail recursion directly in PostScript Level 2.

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