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Contents of file 'viewsrc.php':

    1   <?php
    2   //============================================================================
    3   // File:        viewsrc.php [PHP script]
    4   // Created:     August 21, 2005 [v.1.0]
    5   // Last change: November 14, 2010 [v.1.9]
    6   // Author:      Fredrik Jonsson <>
    7   //
    8   // DESCRIPTION
    9   //  The VIEWSRC script generates (X)HTML code for displaying "typewriter-
   10   //  styled" source code, wrapped in a <div> block which maintains the visual
   11   //  appearance of the page. The (X)HTML code generated by the VIEWSRC script
   12   //  conforms to the XHTML 1.0 Strict specification and makes sure that any
   13   //  special characters present in the code are properly html:icized before
   14   //  display.
   15   //
   16   // USAGE
   17   //  Put the following block into the web page where you would like to display
   18   //  the file contents as code (using the default "en" language option):
   19   //
   20   //       < ? php include "/php/viewsrc.php"; viewsrc("en"); ? >
   21   //       <rest of your (X)HTML code for the page>
   22   //
   23   //  The viewsrc($lang); statement will remain silent without any action until
   24   //  a valid MD5 checksum appears as input value to the 'viewsrc' parameter
   25   //  in the URI. If found to match a valid file in the list of allowed files
   26   //  for display, this will generate a monospaced output of the contents of
   27   //  the file. Example of a valid URI, where the input value is the MD5
   28   //  checksum of 'cv.tex':
   29   //
   30   //
   31   //
   32   //  The viewsrc($lang) script will then typically generate (X)HTML output of
   33   //  the following form:
   34   //
   35   //       <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
   36   //         "">
   37   //       <html xmlns="" lang="en">
   38   //       <body id="oneColLayout">
   39   //       <div id="sourceView">
   40   //       <p><b>Contents of file 'cv.tex':</b></p>
   41   //       <pre>
   42   //       <tt>
   43   //       <code>
   44   //       [Your code in 'cv.tex' goes here.]
   45   //       </code>
   46   //       </tt>
   47   //       </pre>
   48   //       </div> <!-- End of sourceView div -->
   49   //       </body>
   50   //       </html>
   51   //
   53   //  For proper operation, the VIEWSRC script relies on the presence of the
   54   //  following PHP scripts, available at
   55   //
   56   //       prevpage.php    []
   57   //       htmlicise.php   []
   58   //       footer.php      []
   59   //
   60   // PARAMETERS
   61   //  The user-end interface to the routine is the function viewsrc($lang), in
   62   //  which the $lang parameter specifies which language to use for headers.
   63   //  Currently only two choices are valid: "en" (English) or "sv" (Swedish).
   64   //
   66   //  Any file to be displayed by the VIEWSRC script must first be entered into
   67   //  the list of allowed files. This way, no file except the allowed ones may
   68   //  be displayed, implying that no file which otherwise is hidden by the PHP
   69   //  engine (such as password files or other files containing sensitive
   70   //  information) can be accessed. This list of allowed files is declared
   71   //  globally in the user-customizable section immediately below.
   72   //
   73   //  Copyright (C) 2005-2010, Fredrik Jonsson <>
   74   //  Non-commercial copying welcome.
   75   //============================================================================
   76   //
   77   // ###########################################################################
   80   // ###########################################################################
   81   //
   82   // Set the $display_linenumbers parameter to 'true' to have the viewsrc script
   83   // displaying line numbers along the code to be displayed. Otherwise, the input
   84   // source will be displayed clean, without any linenumbering.
   85   //
   86   $display_linenumbers=true;
   88   //
   89   // Define the files allowed for display by the VIEWSRC script. These are set
   90   // as global-level character strings which are accessed by $GLOBALS[...].
   91   //
   92   // All files valid for viewing are here hardcoded as a list directly in the
   93   // PHP source, to avoid any potential security issues from loading data from
   94   // external text files (unless these files are already protected by the PHP
   95   // engine, that is to say). For further details, see "PHP in a Nutshell" by
   96   // Paul Hudson (O'Reilly, 2005).
   97   //
   98   $k=0;
   99   $allowedfiles[$k++]="Makefile";
  100   $allowedfiles[$k++]="magbragg/magbragg.w";
  101   $allowedfiles[$k++]="magbragg/magbragg.c";
  102   $allowedfiles[$k++]="magbragg/magbragg.tex";
  103   $allowedfiles[$k++]="magbragg/Makefile";
  104   $allowedfiles[$k++]="boxcount/boxcount.w";
  105   $allowedfiles[$k++]="boxcount/boxcount.c";
  106   $allowedfiles[$k++]="boxcount/boxcount.tex";
  107   $allowedfiles[$k++]="boxcount/Makefile";
  108   $allowedfiles[$k++]="boxcount/koch/koch.c";
  109   $allowedfiles[$k++]="boxcount/koch/Makefile";
  110   $allowedfiles[$k++]="dvlabel/dvlabel.w";
  111   $allowedfiles[$k++]="dvlabel/dvlabel.c";
  112   $allowedfiles[$k++]="dvlabel/dvlabel.tex";
  113   $allowedfiles[$k++]="dvlabel/Makefile";
  114   $allowedfiles[$k++]="epsimg/epsimg.w";
  115   $allowedfiles[$k++]="epsimg/epsimg.c";
  116   $allowedfiles[$k++]="epsimg/epsimg.tex";
  117   $allowedfiles[$k++]="epsimg/Makefile";
  118   $allowedfiles[$k++]="poincare/poincare.c";
  119   $allowedfiles[$k++]="poincare/Makefile";
  120   $allowedfiles[$k++]="poincare/";
  121   $allowedfiles[$k++]="poincare/";
  122   $allowedfiles[$k++]="poincare/";
  123   $allowedfiles[$k++]="poincare/";
  124   $allowedfiles[$k++]="poincare/";
  125   $allowedfiles[$k++]="poincare/";
  126   $allowedfiles[$k++]="poincare/";
  127   $allowedfiles[$k++]="poincare/";
  128   $allowedfiles[$k++]="poincare/";
  129   $allowedfiles[$k++]="epsbb/epsbb.c";
  130   $allowedfiles[$k++]="epsbb/Makefile";
  131   $allowedfiles[$k++]="lect1/lect1.tex";
  132   $allowedfiles[$k++]="lect2/lect2.tex";
  133   $allowedfiles[$k++]="lect3/lect3.tex";
  134   $allowedfiles[$k++]="lect4/lect4.tex";
  135   $allowedfiles[$k++]="lect5/lect5.tex";
  136   $allowedfiles[$k++]="lect6/lect6.tex";
  137   $allowedfiles[$k++]="lect7/lect7.tex";
  138   $allowedfiles[$k++]="lect8/lect8.tex";
  139   $allowedfiles[$k++]="lect9/lect9.tex";
  140   $allowedfiles[$k++]="lect10/lect10.tex";
  141   $allowedfiles[$k++]="lect11/lect11.tex";
  142   $allowedfiles[$k++]="lect12/lect12.tex";
  143   $allowedfiles[$k++]="ccubsolv.f";
  144   $allowedfiles[$k++]="ccubsolvdrv.f";
  145   $allowedfiles[$k++]="zgaussj.f";
  146   $allowedfiles[$k++]="zgaussjdrv.f";
  147   $allowedfiles[$k++]="mopagras.f";
  148   $allowedfiles[$k++]="mopagrat.f";
  149   $allowedfiles[$k++]="photoview.php";
  150   $allowedfiles[$k++]="photoview.css";
  151   $allowedfiles[$k++]="toledo.c";
  152   $allowedfiles[$k++]="westley.c";
  153   $allowedfiles[$k++]="emailform.php";
  154   $allowedfiles[$k++]="../../../css/jonssona.css";
  155   $allowedfiles[$k++]="../../../css/jonssonb.css";
  156   $allowedfiles[$k++]="../../../css/jonssonc.css";
  157   $allowedfiles[$k++]="../../../css/jonssond.css";
  158   $allowedfiles[$k++]="/css/jonssona.css";
  159   $allowedfiles[$k++]="/css/jonssonb.css";
  160   $allowedfiles[$k++]="/css/jonssonc.css";
  161   $allowedfiles[$k++]="/css/jonssond.css";
  162   $allowedfiles[$k++]="navmenu.php";
  163   $allowedfiles[$k++]="dailyquote.php";
  164   $allowedfiles[$k++]="errata.tex";
  165   $allowedfiles[$k++]="cv.tex";
  166   $allowedfiles[$k++]="viewsrc.php"; // Yes, this very script!
  167   $allowedfiles[$k++]="viewimg.php";
  168   $allowedfiles[$k++]="bcconven.tex";
  169   $allowedfiles[$k++]="eqnum.php";
  170   $allowedfiles[$k++]="styleswitch.php";
  171   $allowedfiles[$k++]="sitemap.php";
  172   $allowedfiles[$k++]=".sitemap";
  173   $allowedfiles[$k++]="dogm16x.c";
  174   $allowedfiles[$k++]="dogm16x.h";
  175   $allowedfiles[$k++]="main.c";
  176   $allowedfiles[$k++]="Makefile_hex";
  177   $allowedfiles[$k++]="Makefile_lib";
  178   $allowedfiles[$k++]="../sitemap.xml";
  179   $allowedfiles[$k++]="wiener/wiener.w";
  180   $allowedfiles[$k++]="wiener/wiener.c";
  181   $allowedfiles[$k++]="wiener/wiener.tex";
  182   $allowedfiles[$k++]="wiener/Makefile";
  183   $allowedfiles[$k++]="sgfilter/sgfilter.w";
  184   $allowedfiles[$k++]="sgfilter/sgfilter.c";
  185   $allowedfiles[$k++]="sgfilter/sgfilter.h";
  186   $allowedfiles[$k++]="sgfilter/sgfilter.tex";
  187   $allowedfiles[$k++]="sgfilter/example.c";
  188   $allowedfiles[$k++]="sgfilter/example-0.0.dat";
  189   $allowedfiles[$k++]="sgfilter/example-0.5.dat";
  190   $allowedfiles[$k++]="sgfilter/example-1.0.dat";
  191   $allowedfiles[$k++]="sgfilter/example-2.0.dat";
  192   $allowedfiles[$k++]="sgfilter/";
  193   $allowedfiles[$k++]="sgfilter/";
  194   $allowedfiles[$k++]="sgfilter/";
  195   $allowedfiles[$k++]="sgfilter/";
  196   $allowedfiles[$k++]="sgfilter/";
  197   $allowedfiles[$k++]="sgfilter/";
  198   $allowedfiles[$k++]="sgfilter/Makefile";
  199   //
  200   // ###########################################################################
  201   // ######## END OF USER CUSTOMIZABLE PARAMETERS ##############################
  202   // ###########################################################################
  203   //
  205   function viewsrc($lang) {
  206     if (($md5hash=$_GET["viewsrc"])!="") {
  207       $platform=$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'];
  208       //
  209       // I admit that the following construction with a hard-coded site root
  210       // is NOT ok; it is here merely to overcome the very strange behaviour
  211       // which I have found with the PHP engine on the Microsoft NT Server,
  212       // which a previous webhost used. There, I was simply refused to extract
  213       // the server-side site root of my web site by the usual
  214       // $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], while a hard-coded string was alright.
  215       // Simply look upon this construction as a brute-force way of overcoming
  216       // this NT Server issue in case you need it. As usual, Apache users need
  217       // not to worry.
  218       //
  219       if ((strpos($platform,"Microsoft")!==false)
  220           &&(strpos($platform,"IIS")!==false)) {
  221         $siteroot="e:\\jonsson";
  222       } else {
  223         $siteroot=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
  224       }
  225       include_once $siteroot."/php/prevpage.php";
  226       include_once $siteroot."/php/htmlicise.php";
  227       include_once $siteroot."/php/footer.php";
  229       $num_allowed_files=count($GLOBALS['allowedfiles']);
  230       $file_to_view="";
  231       for ($k=1;$k<=$num_allowed_files;$k++) {
  232         if (!strcmp(trim($md5hash),md5(trim($GLOBALS['allowedfiles'][$k]))))
  233           $file_to_view=trim($GLOBALS['allowedfiles'][$k]);
  234       }
  235       echo "<div id=\"sourceView\">\n";
  236       if ($file_to_view=="") {
  237         for ($k=1;$k<=8;$k++) echo "<br />\n";
  238         echo "<p class=\"center\"><b>Error: Invalid file ID!</b></p>\n";
  239         for ($k=1;$k<=18;$k++) echo "<br />\n";
  240       } else {
  241         prevpage($lang);
  242         switch ($lang) {
  243           case en:
  244             echo "<p><b>Contents of file '$file_to_view':</b></p>\n";
  245             break;
  246           case sv:
  247             echo "<p><b>Inneh&aring;ll av filen '$file_to_view':</b></p>\n";
  248             break;
  249           default:
  250             echo "PHP Error: Language switch \"".$lang."\" is not recognized!\n";
  251         }
  252         echo "<pre>\n";
  253         echo "<tt>\n";
  254         echo "<code>\n";
  255         htmlicise($file_to_view,$GLOBALS['display_linenumbers']);
  256         echo "</code>\n";
  257         echo "</tt>\n";
  258         echo "</pre>\n";
  259         prevpage($lang);
  260       }
  261       echo "<p class=\"viewsrc\">\n";
  262       $viewsrc_url="";
  263       echo "Generated by <a href=\"".$viewsrc_url."\">::viewsrc::</a>\n";
  264       echo "</p>\n";
  265       echo "</div> <!-- End of sourceView div -->\n";
  266       echo "<div class=\"clear\"></div>\n";
  267       footer($lang);
  268       echo "</div> <!-- End of container div -->\n";
  269       echo "</body>\n";
  270       echo "</html>\n";
  271       exit(0);
  272     }
  273   }
  274   ?>

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Generated by ::viewsrc::

Last modified Wednesday 15 Feb 2023