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Contents of file 'zgaussjdrv.f':

    1   C...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+
    2   C     File:        ZGAUSSJDRV.F (Fortran 77 source for the ZGAUSSDRV prog)
    3   C     Author:      Fredrik Jonsson <>
    4   C     Date:        December 29, 2005
    5   C     Last change: December 29, 2006
    6   C     Description: The ZGAUSSJDRV program is simply a driver for the
    7   C                  ZGAUSSJ routine for solving complex-valued systems by
    8   C                  Gauss-Jordan elimination.  See the documentation of
    9   C                  the ZGAUSSJ routine, enclosed in file ZGAUSSJ.F, for
   10   C                  further information.
   11   C
   12   C     Copyright (C) 2006, Fredrik Jonsson
   13   C...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+
   14   C     PROGRAM MAIN
   15         IMPLICIT LOGICAL (A-Z)
   16         EXTERNAL zgaussj
   17         INTEGER J,K,L
   18         COMPLEX*8 A(3,3),AINV(3,3),T(3,3),B(3),X(3),D(3)
   20   C     *****************************************************************
   21   C     Define the complex-valued test matrix A of the system A*x=b.
   22   C     *****************************************************************
   23         A(1,1)=CMPLX(1.4d0,3.3d0)
   24         A(1,2)=CMPLX(-2.3d0,1.7d0)
   25         A(1,3)=CMPLX(2.1d0,2.9d0)
   26         A(2,1)=CMPLX(-3.4d0,2.3d0)
   27         A(2,2)=CMPLX(1.3d0,-1.7d0)
   28         A(2,3)=CMPLX(-3.2d0,-1.4d0)
   29         A(3,1)=CMPLX(1.3d0,-2.3d0)
   30         A(3,2)=CMPLX(2.8d0,1.1d0)
   31         A(3,3)=CMPLX(-1.7d0,-1.2d0)
   33   C     *****************************************************************
   34   C     Define the complex-valued right-hand side b of the system A*x=b.
   35   C     *****************************************************************
   36         B(1)=1.3
   37         B(2)=-2.1
   38         B(3)=0.7
   40   C     *****************************************************************
   41   C     Calculate the matrix inverse inv(A) using the zgaussj routine.
   42   C     *****************************************************************
   43         DO 100,J=1,3
   44            X(J)=B(J)
   45            DO 110,K=1,3
   46               AINV(J,K)=A(J,K)
   47    110     CONTINUE
   48    100  CONTINUE
   49         CALL zgaussj(AINV,3,3,X,1,1)
   51   C     *****************************************************************
   52   C     Display the complex-valued system matrix A.
   53   C     *****************************************************************
   54         WRITE (*,*) 'A:'
   55         DO 130,J=1,3
   56            WRITE(6,30) A(J,1),A(J,2),A(J,3)
   57    130  CONTINUE
   59   C     *****************************************************************
   60   C     Display the inverted matrix inv(A).
   61   C     *****************************************************************
   62         WRITE (*,*) ' '
   63         WRITE (*,*) 'inv(A):'
   64         DO 140,J=1,3
   65            WRITE(6,30) AINV(J,1),AINV(J,2),AINV(J,3)
   66    140  CONTINUE
   68   C     *****************************************************************
   69   C     As a check on the validity of the output of the zgaussj routine,
   70   C     verify that the matrix A times its inverse inv(A) yields the
   71   C     identity matrix.
   72   C     *****************************************************************
   73         DO 150,J=1,3
   74            DO 160,K=1,3
   75               T(J,K)=CMPLX(0.0,0.0)
   76               DO 170,L=1,3
   77                  T(J,K)=T(J,K)+A(J,L)*AINV(L,K)
   78    170        CONTINUE
   79    160     CONTINUE
   80    150  CONTINUE
   81         WRITE (*,*) ' '
   82         WRITE (*,*) 'A*inv(A):'
   83         DO 180,J=1,3
   84            WRITE(6,30) T(J,1),T(J,2),T(J,3)
   85    180  CONTINUE
   87   C     *****************************************************************
   88   C     Also perform the analogous check of inv(a)*A.
   89   C     *****************************************************************
   90         DO 190,J=1,3
   91            DO 200,K=1,3
   92               T(J,K)=CMPLX(0.0,0.0)
   93               DO 210,L=1,3
   94                  T(J,K)=T(J,K)+AINV(J,L)*A(L,K)
   95    210        CONTINUE
   96    200     CONTINUE
   97    190  CONTINUE
   98         WRITE (*,*) ' '
   99         WRITE (*,*) 'inv(A)*A:'
  100         DO 220,J=1,3
  101            WRITE(6,30) T(J,1),T(J,2),T(J,3)
  102    220  CONTINUE
  104   C     *****************************************************************
  105   C     Check the obtained solution x of A*x=b by computing the
  106   C     difference d=inv(A)*b-x.
  107   C     *****************************************************************
  108         DO 230,J=1,3
  109            D(J)=-X(J)
  110            DO 240,K=1,3
  111               D(J)=D(J)+AINV(J,K)*B(K)
  112    240     CONTINUE
  113    230  CONTINUE
  114         WRITE (*,*) ' '
  115         WRITE (*,*) 'inv(A)*b-x:'
  116         WRITE(6,30) D(1),D(2),D(3)
  117         WRITE (*,*) ' '
  119    30   FORMAT(2X,'(',F11.8,',',F11.8,') (',F11.8,',',F11.8,') (',
  120        +    F11.8,',',F11.8,')')
  122         STOP
  123         END

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