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Contents of file 'zgaussj.f':

    1   C...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+
    2   C     File:        zgaussj.f (Fortran 77 source for the zgaussj routine)
    3   C     Author:      Fredrik Jonsson <>
    4   C     Date:        December 26, 2005
    5   C     Last change: December 29, 2006
    6   C     Description: The zgaussj(a,n,np,b,m,mp) routine solves systems of
    7   C                  linear equations by Gauss-Jordan elimination, in similar
    8   C                  to as in Eq. (2.1.1) of W.H. Press et al, "Numerical
    9   C                  Recipes in Fortran 77, The Art of Scientific Computing",
   10   C                  2nd Edn. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992),
   11   C                  but here modified so as to solve complex-valued systems.
   12   C                     Here a(1:n,1:n) is an input matrix stored in an array
   13   C                  of physical dimensions np by np. b(1:n,1:m) is an input
   14   C                  matrix containing the m right-hand side vectors, stored
   15   C                  in an array of physical dimensions np by mp. On output,
   16   C                  a(1:n,1:n) is replaced by its matrix inverse, and
   17   C                  b(1:n,1:m) is replaced by the corresponding set of solu-
   18   C                  tion vectors. The parameter nmax contains the largest
   19   C                  anticipated value of n.
   20   C
   21   C     Copyright (C) 2006, Fredrik Jonsson <>
   22   C...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+
   23         subroutine zgaussj(a,n,np,b,m,mp)
   24         integer m,mp,n,np,nmax
   25         complex*8 a(np,np),b(np,mp)
   26         parameter (nmax=50)
   27         integer i,icol,irow,j,k,l,ll,indxc(nmax),indxr(nmax),ipiv(nmax)
   28         complex*8 big,dum,pivinv
   29         do 11 j=1,n
   30            ipiv(j)=0
   31    11   continue
   32         do 22 i=1,n
   33            big=0.
   34            do 13 j=1,n
   35               if(ipiv(j).ne.1)then
   36                  do 12 k=1,n
   37                     if (ipiv(k).eq.0) then
   38                        if (abs(a(j,k)).ge.abs(big))then
   39                           big=abs(a(j,k))
   40                           irow=j
   41                           icol=k
   42                        endif
   43                     else if (ipiv(k).gt.1) then
   44                        pause 'Singular matrix ecountered in zgaussj()!'
   45                     endif
   46    12            continue
   47               endif
   48    13      continue
   49            ipiv(icol)=ipiv(icol)+1
   50            if ( then
   51               do 14 l=1,n
   52                  dum=a(irow,l)
   53                  a(irow,l)=a(icol,l)
   54                  a(icol,l)=dum
   55    14         continue
   56               do 15 l=1,m
   57                  dum=b(irow,l)
   58                  b(irow,l)=b(icol,l)
   59                  b(icol,l)=dum
   60    15         continue
   61            endif
   62            indxr(i)=irow
   63            indxc(i)=icol
   64            if (abs(a(icol,icol)).eq.(0.0))
   65               pause 'Singular matrix ecountered in zgaussj()! [Case 2]'
   66            pivinv=1.0/a(icol,icol)
   67            a(icol,icol)=1.
   68            do 16 l=1,n
   69               a(icol,l)=a(icol,l)*pivinv
   70    16      continue
   71            do 17 l=1,m
   72               b(icol,l)=b(icol,l)*pivinv
   73    17      continue
   74            do 21 ll=1,n
   75               if(
   76                  dum=a(ll,icol)
   77                  a(ll,icol)=0.
   78                  do 18 l=1,n
   79                     a(ll,l)=a(ll,l)-a(icol,l)*dum
   80    18            continue
   81                  do 19 l=1,m
   82                     b(ll,l)=b(ll,l)-b(icol,l)*dum
   83    19            continue
   84               endif
   85    21      continue
   86    22   continue
   87         do 24 l=n,1,-1
   88            if(indxr(l).ne.indxc(l))then
   89               do 23 k=1,n
   90                  dum=a(k,indxr(l))
   91                  a(k,indxr(l))=a(k,indxc(l))
   92                  a(k,indxc(l))=dum
   93    23         continue
   94            endif
   95    24   continue
   96         return
   97         end

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