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Contents of file 'mopagrat.f':

    1   c...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+
    2   c     File:        mopagrat.f (Fortran 77 source for the mopagrat routine)
    3   c     Author:      Fredrik Jonsson <>
    4   c     Date:        December 26, 2005
    5   c     Last change: January 3, 2006
    6   c
    7   c     Description: The mopagrat routine calculates magneto-optically
    8   c                  parametrically amplified field envelopes of forward
    9   c                  and backward travelling wave components inside a Bragg
   10   c                  grating of sinusoidal spatial distribution of the
   11   c                  refractive index.
   12   c
   13   c     Required external routines:
   14   c
   15   c        ccubsolv - For solving the characteristic complex-valued cubic
   16   c                   polynomial equation that appear for the eigenvalues
   17   c                   of the system determinant of the wave propagation.
   18   c
   19   c        zgaussj  - For solving complex-valued linear systems of equations
   20   c                   by Gauss-Jordan elimination.
   21   c
   22   c     Copyright (c) 2006, Fredrik Jonsson
   23   c...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+
   24         subroutine mopagrat(alpha,beta,gamma,delta,eta,kappa,ll,z,
   25        +     a1iplus,a2iplus,a1iminus,a2iminus,
   26        +     a1famplplus,a1bamplplus,a2famplplus,
   27        +     a1famplminus,a1bamplminus,a2famplminus,
   28        +     a1fplus,a1bplus,a2fplus,a1fminus,a1bminus,a2fminus)
   30         real*8 alpha,beta,gamma,delta,eta,kappa,ll,z
   31         complex*8 a1iplus,a2iplus,a1iminus,a2iminus
   32         real*8 a1famplplus,a1bamplplus,a2famplplus
   33         real*8 a1famplminus,a1bamplminus,a2famplminus
   34         complex*8 a1fplus,a1bplus,a2fplus,a1fminus,a1bminus,a2fminus,c(3)
   35         complex*8 bbplus(3,3),xiplus(3,3),lambdaplus(3),ccplus(3)
   36         complex*8 bbminus(3,3),ximinus(3,3),lambdaminus(3),ccminus(3)
   37         real*8 tmp
   38         integer*4 k
   39         external ccubsolv,zgaussj
   41   c     *********************************************************************
   42   c     Calculate the eigenvalues of the system matrix A of the magneto-
   43   c     optical parametric interaction. This is done by solving the cubic
   44   c     polynomial equation det(A-I*lambda)=0, where I=diag(1,...,1) denotes
   45   c     the identity matrix, or equivalently of the form
   46   c
   47   c             lambda^3+c[2]*lambda^2+c[1]*lambda+c[0]=0,
   48   c
   49   c     by using the external ccubsolv() routine. Here the coefficients are
   50   c     as follows:
   51   c
   52   c             c(1)=c[0],  c(2)=c[1],  c(3)=c[2].
   53   c
   54   c     After the call, the three complex-valued eigenvalues are returned
   55   c     in the vector lambda(1..3).
   56   c     *********************************************************************
   57         c(1)=cmplx(0.0,((abs(kappa)**2)-((alpha+delta)**2))
   58        +     *(alpha+delta+beta+gamma)-((eta)**2)*(alpha+delta))
   59         c(2)=cmplx(((alpha+delta)**2)-((kappa)**2)-((eta)**2),0.0)
   60         c(3)=cmplx(0.0,-(alpha+delta+beta+gamma))
   61         call ccubsolv(c,lambdaplus)
   62         c(1)=cmplx(0.0,((abs(kappa)**2)-((alpha-delta)**2))
   63        +     *(alpha-delta+beta-gamma)-((eta)**2)*(alpha-delta))
   64         c(2)=cmplx(((alpha-delta)**2)-((kappa)**2)-((eta)**2),0.0)
   65         c(3)=cmplx(0.0,-(alpha-delta+beta-gamma))
   66         call ccubsolv(c,lambdaminus)
   68   c     *********************************************************************
   69   c     Having calculated the eigenvalues of the system matrix A, now
   70   c     proceed with calculating the corresponding eigenvectors. The eigen-
   71   c     vectors are stored in the matrix xi, in which the (j,k):th element
   72   c     is the j:th element of the k:th eigenvector.
   73   c     *********************************************************************
   74         do 10,k=1,3
   75            xiplus(1,k)=cmplx(1.0,0.0)
   76            xiplus(2,k)=cmplx(kappa,0.0)
   77            xiplus(2,k)=xiplus(2,k)/(cmplx(0.0,alpha+delta)
   78        +        +lambdaplus(k))
   79            xiplus(3,k)=(cmplx(0.0,alpha+delta)-lambdaplus(k))
   80            xiplus(3,k)=xiplus(3,k)+cmplx((kappa**2),0.0)
   81        +        /(cmplx(0.0,alpha+delta)+lambdaplus(k))
   82            xiplus(3,k)=xiplus(3,k)*cmplx(0.0,1.0/eta)
   83            ximinus(1,k)=cmplx(1.0,0.0)
   84            ximinus(2,k)=cmplx(kappa,0.0)
   85            ximinus(2,k)=ximinus(2,k)/(cmplx(0.0,alpha-delta)
   86        +        +lambdaminus(k))
   87            ximinus(3,k)=(cmplx(0.0,alpha-delta)-lambdaminus(k))
   88            ximinus(3,k)=ximinus(3,k)+cmplx((kappa**2),0.0)
   89        +        /(cmplx(0.0,alpha-delta)+lambdaminus(k))
   90            ximinus(3,k)=ximinus(3,k)*cmplx(0.0,1.0/eta)
   91    10   continue
   93   c     *********************************************************************
   94   c     Calculate the inverse of the matrix bb by using the Gauss--Jordan
   95   c     elimination routine zgaussj(), as customized from the Numerical
   96   c     Recipes' real-valued version of the same algorithm.
   97   c     *********************************************************************
   98         tmp=max(realpart(lambdaplus(1)),
   99        +     realpart(lambdaplus(2)),realpart(lambdaplus(3)))
  100         do 20,k=1,3
  101            bbplus(1,k)=xiplus(1,k)
  102            bbplus(2,k)=xiplus(2,k)*
  103        +        cexp((lambdaplus(k)-cmplx(tmp,0.0))*cmplx(ll,0.0))
  104            bbplus(3,k)=xiplus(3,k)
  105    20   continue
  106         ccplus(1)=a1iplus
  107         ccplus(2)=cmplx(0.0,0.0)
  108         ccplus(3)=a2iplus
  109         call zgaussj(bbplus,3,3,ccplus,1,1)
  110         tmp=max(realpart(lambdaminus(1)),
  111        +     realpart(lambdaminus(2)),realpart(lambdaminus(3)))
  112         do 30,k=1,3
  113            bbminus(1,k)=ximinus(1,k)
  114            bbminus(2,k)=ximinus(2,k)*
  115        +        cexp((lambdaminus(k)-cmplx(tmp,0.0))*cmplx(ll,0.0))
  116            bbminus(3,k)=ximinus(3,k)
  117    30   continue
  118         ccminus(1)=a1iminus
  119         ccminus(2)=cmplx(0.0,0.0)
  120         ccminus(3)=a2iminus
  121         call zgaussj(bbminus,3,3,ccminus,1,1)
  123   c     *********************************************************************
  124   c     Calculate the logarithmic amplification of the transmitted and
  125   c     reflected signal and idler, in measures of dB.
  126   c     *********************************************************************
  127         a1fplus=cmplx(0.0,0.0)
  128         a1bplus=cmplx(0.0,0.0)
  129         a2fplus=cmplx(0.0,0.0)
  130         a1fminus=cmplx(0.0,0.0)
  131         a1bminus=cmplx(0.0,0.0)
  132         a2fminus=cmplx(0.0,0.0)
  133         do 40,k=1,3
  134            tmp=exp(realpart(lambdaplus(k))*ll)
  135            a1fplus=a1fplus+ccplus(k)*xiplus(1,k)
  136        +        *cmplx(tmp*cos(imagpart(lambdaplus(k))*ll),
  137        +        tmp*sin(imagpart(lambdaplus(k))*ll))
  138            a1bplus=a1bplus+ccplus(k)*xiplus(2,k)
  139            a2fplus=a2fplus+ccplus(k)*xiplus(3,k)
  140        +        *cmplx(tmp*cos(imagpart(lambdaplus(k))*ll),
  141        +        tmp*sin(imagpart(lambdaplus(k))*ll))
  142            tmp=exp(realpart(lambdaminus(k))*ll)
  143            a1fminus=a1fminus+ccminus(k)*ximinus(1,k)
  144        +        *cmplx(tmp*cos(imagpart(lambdaminus(k))*ll),
  145        +        tmp*sin(imagpart(lambdaminus(k))*ll))
  146            a1bminus=a1bminus+ccminus(k)*ximinus(2,k)
  147            a2fminus=a2fminus+ccminus(k)*ximinus(3,k)
  148        +        *cmplx(tmp*cos(imagpart(lambdaminus(k))*ll),
  149        +        tmp*sin(imagpart(lambdaminus(k))*ll))
  150    40   continue
  151         a1famplplus=cabs(a1fplus/a1iplus)**2
  152         a1bamplplus=cabs(a1bplus/a1iplus)**2
  153         a2famplplus=cabs(a2fplus/a1iplus)**2
  154         a1famplminus=cabs(a1fminus/a1iminus)**2
  155         a1bamplminus=cabs(a1bminus/a1iminus)**2
  156         a2famplminus=cabs(a2fminus/a1iminus)**2
  158   c     *********************************************************************
  159   c     Finally calculate the envelopes of forward and backward traveling
  160   c     components of the signal (a1f,a1b) and idler (a2f) fields at spatial
  161   c     location given by z (with 0 < z < L).
  162   c     *********************************************************************
  163         if ( then
  164            a1fplus=cmplx(0.0d0,0.0d0)
  165            a1bplus=cmplx(0.0d0,0.0d0)
  166            a2fplus=cmplx(0.0d0,0.0d0)
  167            a1fminus=cmplx(0.0d0,0.0d0)
  168            a1bminus=cmplx(0.0d0,0.0d0)
  169            a2fminus=cmplx(0.0d0,0.0d0)
  170            do 50,k=1,3
  171               a1fplus=a1fplus+ccplus(k)*xiplus(1,k)
  172        +           *cexp(lambdaplus(k)*cmplx(z,0.0))
  173               a1bplus=a1bplus+ccplus(k)*xiplus(2,k)
  174        +           *cexp(lambdaplus(k)*cmplx(z,0.0))
  175               a2fplus=a2fplus+ccplus(k)*xiplus(3,k)
  176        +           *cexp(lambdaplus(k)*cmplx(z,0.0))
  177               a1fminus=a1fminus+ccminus(k)*ximinus(1,k)
  178        +           *cexp(lambdaminus(k)*cmplx(z,0.0))
  179               a1bminus=a1bminus+ccminus(k)*ximinus(2,k)
  180        +           *cexp(lambdaminus(k)*cmplx(z,0.0))
  181               a2fminus=a2fminus+ccminus(k)*ximinus(3,k)
  182        +           *cexp(lambdaminus(k)*cmplx(z,0.0))
  183    50      continue
  184         endif
  186         return
  187         end

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