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Contents of file 'wiener/Makefile':

    1   #
    2   # Makefile designed for use with ctangle, cweave, gcc, and plain TeX.
    3   #
    4   # Copyright (C) 2002-2011, Fredrik Jonsson <>
    5   #
    6   # The CTANGLE program converts a CWEB source document into a C program
    7   # which may be compiled in the usual way. The output file includes #line
    8   # specifications so that debugging can be done in terms of the CWEB source
    9   # file.
   10   #
   11   # The CWEAVE program converts the same CWEB file into a TeX file that may
   12   # be formatted and printed in the usual way. It takes appropriate care of
   13   # typographic details like page layout and the use of indentation, italics,
   14   # boldface, etc., and it supplies extensive cross-index information that it
   15   # gathers automatically.
   16   #
   17   # CWEB allows you to prepare a single document containing all the informa-
   18   # tion that is needed both to produce a compilable C program and to produce
   19   # a well-formatted document describing the program in as much detail as the
   20   # writer may desire.  The user of CWEB ought to be familiar with TeX as well
   21   # as C.
   22   #
   23   PROJECT  = wiener
   24   FIGURES  = fig1.eps fig2.eps fig3.eps
   26   CTANGLE  = ctangle
   27   CWEAVE   = cweave
   28   CC       = gcc
   29   CCOPTS   = -O2 -Wall -ansi -std=iso9899:1990 -pedantic
   30   LNOPTS   = -lm
   31   TEX      = tex
   32   DVIPS    = dvips
   33   DVIPSOPT = -ta4 -D1200
   34   PS2PDF   = ps2pdf
   35   METAPOST = mpost
   37   all: $(PROJECT) $(FIGURES) $(PROJECT).pdf
   39   $(PROJECT): $(PROJECT).o
   40   	$(CC) $(CCOPTS) -o $(PROJECT) $(PROJECT).o $(LNOPTS)
   42   $(PROJECT).o: $(PROJECT).c
   43   	$(CC) $(CCOPTS) -c $(PROJECT).c
   45   $(PROJECT).c: $(PROJECT).w
   46   	$(CTANGLE) $(PROJECT)
   48   $(PROJECT).pdf: $(PROJECT).ps
   49   	$(PS2PDF) $(PROJECT).ps $(PROJECT).pdf
   51   $(PROJECT).ps: $(PROJECT).dvi
   52   	$(DVIPS) $(DVIPSOPT) $(PROJECT).dvi -o $(PROJECT).ps
   54   $(PROJECT).dvi: $(PROJECT).tex
   55   	$(TEX) $(PROJECT).tex
   57   $(PROJECT).tex: $(PROJECT).w
   58   	$(CWEAVE) $(PROJECT)
   60   #
   61   # Generate the Encapsulated PostScript image fig1.eps for the documentation.
   62   # This is a 2D scatter plot of the uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
   63   # prior to having been fed into the Box-Muller transform.
   64   #
   65   fig1.eps: Makefile $(PROJECT).w
   66   	./wiener --uniform -D 2 -M 10000 > fig1.dat;
   67   	@echo 'input graph;\
   68   		def mpdot = btex\
   69   			{\\vrule height 0.5pt width 1.0pt depth 0.5pt}\
   70   		etex enddef;\
   71   		beginfig(1);\
   72   		draw begingraph(86mm,86mm);\
   73   		setrange(0,0,1,1);\
   74   		pickup pencircle scaled .5pt;\
   75   		gdraw "fig1.dat" plot mpdot;\
   76   		pickup pencircle scaled .25pt;\
   77   		autogrid(itick bot,itick lft);\
   78 $$ x$$ etex,OUT);\
   79   		glabel.lft(btex $$ y$$ etex,OUT);\
   80   		endgraph; endfig; end' >
   81   		$(METAPOST)
   82   	$(TEX) -jobname=fig1 "\input epsf\nopagenumbers\
   83   		\centerline{\epsfbox{fig1.1}}\bye"
   84   	$(DVIPS) -D1200 -E fig1.dvi -o fig1.eps
   86   #
   87   # Generate the Encapsulated PostScript image fig2.eps for the documentation.
   88   # This is a 2D scatter plot of the normally distributed pseudo-random numbers
   89   # resulting from the Box-Muller transform.
   90   #
   91   fig2.eps: Makefile $(PROJECT).w
   92   	./wiener --normal -D 2 -M 10000 > fig2.dat;
   93   	@echo 'input graph;\
   94   		def mpdot = btex\
   95   			{\\vrule height 0.5pt width 1.0pt depth 0.5pt}\
   96   		etex enddef;\
   97   		beginfig(1);\
   98   		draw begingraph(86mm,86mm);\
   99   		setrange(whatever,whatever,whatever,whatever);\
  100   		pickup pencircle scaled .5pt;\
  101   		gdraw "fig2.dat" plot mpdot;\
  102   		pickup pencircle scaled .25pt;\
  103   		autogrid(itick bot,itick lft);\
  104 $$ x$$ etex,OUT);\
  105   		glabel.lft(btex $$ y$$ etex,OUT);\
  106   		endgraph; endfig; end' >
  107   		$(METAPOST)
  108   	$(TEX) -jobname=fig2 "\input epsf\nopagenumbers\
  109   		\centerline{\epsfbox{fig2.1}}\bye"
  110   	$(DVIPS) -D1200 -E fig2.dvi -o fig2.eps
  112   #
  113   # Generate the Encapsulated PostScript image fig3.eps for the documentation.
  114   # This is a 2D graph showing the resulting simulated Wiener process.
  115   #
  116   fig3.eps: Makefile $(PROJECT).w
  117   	./wiener -D 2 -M 10000 > fig3.dat;
  118   	@echo 'input graph;\
  119   		beginfig(1);\
  120   		draw begingraph(86mm,86mm);\
  121   		setrange(whatever,whatever,whatever,whatever);\
  122   		pickup pencircle scaled .5pt;\
  123   		gdraw "fig3.dat";\
  124   		pickup pencircle scaled .25pt;\
  125   		autogrid(itick bot,itick lft);\
  126 $$ x$$ etex,OUT);\
  127   		glabel.lft(btex $$ y$$ etex,OUT);\
  128   		endgraph; endfig; end' >
  129   		$(METAPOST)
  130   	$(TEX) -jobname=fig3 "\input epsf\nopagenumbers\
  131   		\centerline{\epsfbox{fig3.1}}\bye"
  132   	$(DVIPS) -D1200 -E fig3.dvi -o fig3.eps
  134   clean:
  135   	-rm -Rf $(PROJECT) *~ *.c *.o *.exe *.dat *.pdf *.mp *.trj *.mpx
  136   	-rm -Rf *.tex *.aux *.log *.toc *.idx *.scn *.dvi *.ps *.1 *.eps
  138   archive:
  139   	make -ik clean
  140   	tar --gzip --directory=../ -cf ../$(PROJECT).tar.gz $(PROJECT)

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Last modified Wednesday 15 Feb 2023